Saturday, October 18, 2008

Indy Game Room @ Gamerz!!!

We are proud to annouce at 12:01 AM October 18th, 2008 Indy Game Room took over control of Gamerz game store. We love the place and the all players! We are located at 1140 N St Rd 135 in Greenwood, IN.

We want to keep all the things players have said they love, while expanding products and games to support the vast Indy gaming community. We will be working with local clubs, groups and conventions. We have some nice suprises coming soon. My family and I look forward to talking to everyone and playing games.

We have an exceptional staff, knowledgeable in just about every kind of game people could want to play. We are glad to have them. If you are new to Gamerz, we have traditional board games, miniature games, war games, collectible card games like Magic the Gathering, World of WarCraft, Yu-Gi-OH, and Legend of the Five Rings. Unlike our would-be competitors, we invite our customers to hangout in our 100+ seat Game Room. War at Sea is coming soon!!! And we love contests and tournies!!! Expect to see more of both!

In addition, we will be opening a World-Class Internet Cyber Game Café featuring over 100+ top games in the world! We belong to a game community of over 300K players. We also have Com-Casts fastest connections and firewall technology to provide a Kid-Safe environment!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Gary Gygax vs the Gynormous Head!

At the launch of my gaming business, I wanted to acknowledge and thank the man who started my love of gaming, brought me and my family closer together through our shared love of games. At the center, just right of the flash is my hero, Gary Gygax the man I credit with the rebirth of the game industry and man who reminded us that imagination shouldn't end with childhood.

I really like this photo, despite the idiot with the gynormous head on the bottom left. This guy cut in of me while I took the shot, he was very rude and well... large headed. I managed to calm my Hulk-like-Rage without incident, this time my rude gynormous skulled fiend.
This is a photo from GENCON INDY - 2007. At the center you see what most untrained eyes might think to be camera’s flash, but after much ponderings I realized this is the moment my hero achieved enlightenment. I thought it was great that he hung out with all of his friends at the GENCON instead of ascending to Game-Heaven.

Gary Gygax left us early in 2008. We Gamers will miss him and the wonders of his imagination. I did get a chance to meet him for just a short hi and thank you. I am glad I got to thank him.

Here is a link to where this second photo is from.